PAYMENTS DIRECT™ for Developers

Simplified Integration with PAYMENTS DIRECT™

    Easy Integration
    Choose from one of three overall integration approaches. No matter what your choice may be, you’ll see that accepting all payment types—credit and debit cards, gift and EBT cards and even electronic checks—is a breeze.

    Smart Service Integration
    Develop a payment solution built around the Smart Service. Smart Service runs as a Window OS service to handle hardware connectivity and communication to printers, card and check readers, signature pads and other payment devices. As updates occur for Smart Service for new hardware or technology, there’s no need to modify your payment solution. Plus, the merchant can use a variety of equipment or upgrade equipment by changing a setting in the Smart Service!

    Direct OCX Integration
    If the design of your payment solution is built around a particular set of hardware, you can take advantage of using an OCX to access the full payment verification, payment processing and reporting functionality of the Payment Gateway. Install a Windows OS OCX file on each terminal or register along with the payment solution you develop so your merchant or company can process fast and secure payment transactions for their customers.

    Web-based Integration
    Of course you can also build a web-based payment system that allows your company or customers to run on a variety of operating systems and computer hardware. You can program for the gateway using secure methods such as HTTPS Post, HTTPS Get, Java, .Net Web Services and SOAP.

    Regardless of the integration method you choose, you can use the development tools and environment you’re used to. There’s never a need to learn a new language or IDE, allowing you to gain a significant return on your development investment.

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